
SafePassage Global Rates

At SafePassage Global we do not have set rates. Through conversation we ascertain the individual needs of each client and provide written estimates for service, not ballpark quotes. Although you may believe your at-risk teenagers needs are the same because he has been approved for the same treatment program as your best friend teen attended, that does not mean the cost will be the same. Many things such as the cost of rental cars, hotel rooms and airfare factor into the estimate; so we ask you to be patient so we can provide the service you deserve.

SafePassage Global is licensed in Georgia, registered in Utah several layers of insurance including workers comp. These invisible costs drive up the Often clients ask why is it so expensive

SafePassage Global selects the Team that we believe to be best qualified to accompany your loved one to the treatment center of your choice. All SafePassage Teams are trained in the same modality of protective service, mediation and intervention, and coaching. Individual agents have different specializations and skill sets which apply to specific areas of safety and mental health. All things considered, our staff is best qualified to select which Team is the best for you. We have been assisting families for more than three decades with safe transports, coaching and investigations so, as experts in these fields we ask our clients respect the process.

A special note to our clients: many of our agents are licensed as private detectives and regular duty law enforcement whose identities, if compromised may cause friction in other on-going cases. Out of respect for their privacy, all agents names and contact information are provided after client has executed a contractual agreement with SafePassage Global. Additionally, in the service agreement clients agree to not social media stalk the agents who have been assigned to provide support to their family but trust that each agent has passed the deep dive background check and ascribes to the SafePassage Global written Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice which enables them to assist families in crisis through safely accompanying children, youth and adults to treatment.