Remember, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1.


Our Mission

The mission and purpose of SafePassage Global is to provide support for families in crisis through a protective service, intervention modality for safe transport. By drawing from Biblically based principles which under gird the Christian walk SafePassage provides highly trained, like-minded professionals who establish a safe and secure environment in which they, along with your loved one will travel together to the Destination of your choice. SafePassage Teams provide encouragement and hope by being transparent and truthful. Transport Teams will make certain each person in their care is made aware of the destination, the mode of transportation and person responsible for making the decisions. Through establishing boundaries and following through, our Teams establish trust and are able to transfer that trust to the intake team upon arrival. Coupling this practice with focusing on the good in the opportunity that lies ahead, SafePassage Teams establish a calm, secure environment.

“Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105 NIV

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Service from the Beginning

With a lifetime of preparation, ten years of field training and prayerful consideration I opened Hunter Investigations LLC in 2006 and acquired SafePassage Adolescent Services ® in 2007. In 2020 we rebranded to SafePassage Global better represent our international service and the people we serve. I have grounded my company with a foundation that is rooted in Christian, Biblical principles because it reflects the same set of values that govern my own thoughts and actions. It is through these principles that I seek to bring integrity to the work place. The principle of the Golden Rule is a prominent governing factor as we seek to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is how I live, so I believe it should be how business is conducted in my work place.

Knowledge. Experience. Compassion.

With the help of like-minded, qualified men and women Clients can rest assured in the knowledge that each at-risk student or adult in their care will be kept safe; treated with respect, and, that their needs will be met during the time they are in our care. SafePassage provides non-medical, non-clinical support for families in crisis. Agents for SafePassage have a unique expertise which incorporates safety, mediation and intervention. With Non-Verbal Communication; Para Verbal Communication; Crisis Management; Verbal De-Escalation; Personal Safety; First Aid as well as many other individualized skill sets such as professional coaching, private investigations and spectrum disorder training, each Transport Teams expertise provides support for your at-risk loved one.


Transporting an at-risk family member to a therapeutic environment is not punishment, but an opportunity for that person to assess where they are in life and seek change under the guidance of medical and clinical professionals selected by their parents. If at all possible everyone deserves a do-over. That is what you are providing, an opportunity for the person in your care to become whole again. SafePassage Teams strive to bring the message that no matter where someone is in life and no matter what they have done, what awaits them is a new lease on life if they choose to participate and do the work.

Logistics Planning

Clients should know that the logistics for each and every transport have been carefully thought through and the plan which is recommended to the Client is tailored to their individual needs. We do not give “ball park” quotes; we take the time to offer an estimate based on a plan which we believe is best for the Client from the beginning. The estimate is free of charge as is the time for our consultation. Once a Client has chosen SafePassage, they will have a Team of Agents to work directly with their family and they will be assigned a staff member to will help coordinate communication before, during and after the transport has been completed.

Earning the Trust of Your Family

It is a difficult undertaking for parents and guardians to trust strangers with the safety of their child or the person in their charge. Make no mistake when you reach out to SafePassage each one here understands clearly that you are facing crisis; that you are standing on what may be the last ounce of faith you have and hope that SafePassage is the right fit for you. We know that each Client is deeply concerned with the forthcoming decision. We respect that you have the right to be concerned and we ask that when you select SafePassage to assist your family during your time of crisis that you accept that the plan for Intervention and Transport which we offer is what we believe, given the circumstances, is the best plan to safely and effectively accomplish this endeavor.

At SafePassage we work hard; as though we are working for God, because it is He to whom I answer. I like to put my head on a pillow at night and sleep knowing my work has been pleasing to Him and I cannot do that if I have not put forth my best effort for you.

I appreciate your consideration of the service we provide at SafePassage Global; we look forward to speaking with you personally to discuss how we can assist during your time of crisis.